Part 3

 The Gita and the Vedanta thought process leads from ignorance to knowledge. A knowledge that teaches escape from the cycles of births. Understanding of a journey that starts from the lower consciousness but leads to the highest consciousness and beyond for salvation.

This intellectual understanding while extremely important, would still be only speculative; it could not have any spiritual value. Like reading a recipe without experiencing food. Thus, it is not by “thinking out” the entire reality, but by a change of consciousness that one can pass from the ignorance to the Knowledge.
For direct experiencing of Reality, this knowledge will have to be converted into spiritual experience by intensive sadhana of Yoga and Tantra. Deep and intensive practice can lead to opening of chakras or inner consciousness. And on opening of chakras, the journey from lower consciousness to higher to supreme consciousness begins.
This journey of evolution gives access to the Divine Intelligence or Divine energy. But, it needs to be remembered that accessing the supreme consciousness or the Divine energy cannot be the final destination. This should never lead to an individual achievement of the Divine realization for the sake of an individual, but something to be gained for humanity. This Divine energy needs to be brought down to Earth-consciousness and should be used for betterment of humanity and existence.
And this work should be done without desire of name, fame, power or any selfish motive, but as a surrender to the Divine.
So the sequence should be
1. Knowledge through reflection, books and scriptures
2. Experiencing through practice and meditation
3. Evolution to Supreme intelligence and having access to Divine energy
4. Using that Divine energy and intelligence for selfless work for humanity (karma yoga).


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