Part 2

 We are always in activity, even in inactivity. Most of the voluntary activity that we do is determined by the mind. The mind generally runs towards sense gratification increasing attachment and greed. How can we make it work for service to others?

Existence is the unfolding of the Divine plan. This process or flow is fuelled by Divine intelligence and energy. From the vast Universe to the cell, from the material world to the human race, from the smallest unit to the infinite, from the Big Bang to the present, the flow of the Divine Plan is intelligent, evolutionary and cyclic. This flow is not independent of us; we are a part of it, as participant not just observer.

The Divine plan, flowing from millenniums, seeks to enhance the lives of those in existence. Being a part of the Divine, we need to plug into this plan, and thus it becomes our function and duty to work for the betterment of others. An analogy would be that the Divine flow is like a river and we are the small fish in that river. It is our choice to go with the flow or against. It is our choice to work for service to others or use our narrow, sense-driven false concepts and ego to swim against the direction. Life would be much happier when going with the flow than against.

I have chosen to go with the flow. A surrender to the larger intelligence. Transform one’s own limited consciousness into the Divine Consciousness, to be its vessel, channel, instrument in one’s active nature. Attempting the way of spiritual self-giving and surrender to the Divine, abandoning ego and desire even in the midst of action.

This style of operation may sound very illogical and senseless to the normal, but am trying to transcend logic and sense and loving it. Whenever there is anything that I need or want to take decision, instead of reacting, just let it go. And believe it or not, after the next morning’s meditation, am able to respond with clarity. Success is HIS and failure is HIS. Have left everything to the Divine and its working. As the larger consciousness has substituted my limited one, the mind has become more of an observer than a player.

This is the true karma yoga – dedicating all through surrender to the Divine, without ego, desire or outcome.  


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